
Saturday, March 27, 2004

I like this one

Chantal has a matrix style jacket, and combined with my matrix glasses, this is what happens...anyone can be Neo for a day.....

Thursday, March 25, 2004

Some more freaks....

At the beach...

Me, trish, ed, keith and somebody else

More and more manly...

The ferry terminal at manly beach....Daves camera skills improve the more beer he drinks.....

not sure what happened to my face in this shot.....i look like michael jackson and jackie chan combined in a food blender...

More manly stuff (well, except for keith)

Me, keith (looking extremely gay) and trisha, at the ferry terminal

Manly Beach, saturday

Dave, Keith (looking gay) and trish at manly beach ferry port

Moving along

Well, its been a while since i last blogged, and i guess not much has happened really, just ticking along, having a good time, and working to get some cash together.

Me and chantal still living in the flat in the middle of sydney and getting along marvellously...difficult to keep my feelings in check cos she's leaving on the 6th April, going back to England, so trying to put a brave face on it and try not to let myself in for heartbreak when she leaves. She's said the same about her feelings, and it seems that if we meet up somewhere after Oz then we'll give us a proper shot but no strings at the mo, no ties and definately no long distance relationship, which is the only sensible way to do it. Ive been so lucky to meet her, she's silly and funny, gorgeous, clever and daft and i think we could have a really great thing going if it wasnt for 12000 large miles of ocean. I do always seem to pick the girls that are the furthest away....all i need to do now is find a martian to top my current record. Ahh well, if its meant to be, it will be. At the mo, im just so glad to have met her.

More news is that Cooper has decided to come over , he arrives next tuesday (30th april). Its all been a bit of a quick turnaround, i only suggested it a couple of weeks ago. So we gonna buy a 4x4 and go cruisin after chanty leaves. Well, its gonna be an absolute riot and i think maybe i should take out extra iunsurance for my liver.

Today is my last day at work at Datacom, the telephone torture chamber. Im trying to get some more work but not really that worried about it as it means i can spend more time with the girl. Well, its nearly time to hit the phones, so i better sign off....

well, hope you all well...


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