
Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Movin' on....up? god i hate m people

Well, i had to move out of darrens place as ive been there for ages and audrey has some other friends coming over from blighty, so im staying with a guy, Josh, who i met playing pool...he uttered the immortal "if you ever need anywhere to stay..." line and ive taken him up on it. what a guy.

In the meantime, chantal has decided that she wants to move in so we are looking for a place together again. seen some really nice ones, about 50 quid a week each for a place right in the middle of sydney wth a spa, jaquizzi, sauna and gym etc....great stuff! we shuld be in by the end of this week.

also hit the job front with a vengence, but these things take time, but hopefully a few irons in the fre....


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